Moving an Appointment


Moving Appointments in Vision360(0.40)

The cut and paste functions provide a quick means of moving one appointment at a time from one clinician to another.

Note - Only single appointments for today or in the future, with the 'Booked', 'Arrived' or 'DNA' status may be cut and pasted.
  1. Click the Reception V360Appts_user_blue_20 button.
    The Reception view displays.
  2. Select from the Organisation dropdown list to view the clinician/clinic sessions at that organisation.
  3. In the appropriate session, select the appointment you want to move.
  4. Click the cut button.
    Note - The appointment will remain in the original slot until pasted into a different slot.
  5. If you want to paste the appointment into the book of a clinician in a different organisation, select the new organisation from the Organisation dropdown.
  6. Select an empty slot and click the paste button.

    A message displays.

  7. Click Yes to proceed.

    The appointment is pasted into the slot, along with any free text comments and booking information.

    A confirmation message displays.

    Note - The Clipboard view allows you to move and reschedule multiple appointments across sessions and users.